Frequency Statistics of Digits 0-9 in Pi up to the first 800000000 digits

This page displays the occurrence and frequency data table of digits 0 to 9 in the first 800000000 digits of Pi, along with a distribution data pie chart.

Table of Number Occurrences and Frequencies

Digits Occurrences Frequency
0 79,991,897 10.00%
1 79,997,003 10.00%
2 80,003,316 10.00%
3 79,989,652 10.00%
4 80,016,073 10.00%
5 79,996,120 10.00%
6 80,004,148 10.00%
7 79,995,109 10.00%
8 80,002,932 10.00%
9 80,003,750 10.00%

Pie Chart of Number Distribution

Bar Chart of Number Distribution